Product Details



The box contains all the Italian taste:

• Well-balanced olive oil, bottle 500 ml.

• “Leccino” olives, 300g

• Cresponetto Salami of Varzi DOP, 500g

• Val d’Orcia Pecorino cheese in walnut leaves, 550 g

• Red Onion Extra Jam, 100g

• Tagliatelle Straw and Hay, durum wheat semolina pasta 500 g

• Italian Tagliatelle, durum wheat semolina pasta 500 g

• 5 flavors “Armoniche”, durum wheat semolina pasta 500 g

• Tomato sauce with Barolo 180 g

• Organic Basil pesto, 130 g

• Tomato sauce with Porcini mushrooms, 180 g

• Bonarda – Red Wine from Oltrepò Pavese

• Pinot – Rosè wine

• Pinot – Grigio white wine

• Italian Mostarda made of candied apple, 120 g

• Baldo Rice, 1 kg

• Traditional Amaretti, 150 g

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Gift yourself a wonderful taste experience! Choose our “Italia top” box with the best high-quality Italian products. Wines, oil, cheese, salami, sweets, pasta and more. In this box you will find the best taste ever!


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